TaskRay is built on the Salesforce platform.  Makes the learning curve much easier.  And Administration.

Here's the link to their helpful video pages referenced below:

YOU CAN SPEED UP VISTIA VIDEOS - use the Settings Gear

TaskRay Logo 2017

Excellent, Short "Getting Started" Overview

2.51 min Wistia Video  - Walks through all of the basic tasks to use TaskRay

Differences between - Projects, Sub-Projects, Tasks/Milestones, Checklists


> Sub-Projects



> Checklist Items


Projects - High level Umbrella - for Grouping Tasks - option for many Sub-Projects (and Sub-Sub-Sub-Projects) - First 35 characters displayed on Kanban cards.  Each Project/Sub-Project is best for 5-10 Tasks to simplify display. Color coding by lowest level of Project/Sub-project

Tasks are visible on the Kanban view - 38 characters of task name displayed on first line - total of 80 characters allowed.

Checklists - assignable Items "Activities" - count/status icon displayed on Kanban cards - across all Check List names for that Task - only visible within a task.

Task Dependencies

6.15m Vistia video - Here's the link to TaskRay page with Links to the support article.

From Plan View - forward vs backward-driven connections between tasks

3.22 - Milestones [checkbox] - id'd by triangle in Plan View

4.32 - Cloning Project and Sub-Projects - Templates